We know that as a faithful steward, your heart aches to reach as many people as you can with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why Biblica is humbled to serve you with a variety of ways you can invest in life-changing Bible ministry around the globe.
Together, let’s discover God’s unique plan of kingdom impact for you.
Your monthly gift of $35 or more enters you into the Guardians — a community of Biblica investors uniquely dedicated to spreading God’s Word through their monthly budget. Guardians also receive insider updates from Biblica leadership, opportunities to have the Biblica staff pray for you, and special devotionals and spiritual encouragement.
Members of our Legacy Club have named Biblica as the beneficiary of a planned gift, making an eternal impact on future generations through the Word of God. Legacy gifts include bequests, appreciated securities, gifts through retirement accounts, gifts through life insurance, charitable gift annuities, and more.
Become a member of Biblica’s Legacy Club by telling us about your estate plans today. Membership benefits include a welcome keepsake gift, special newsletters and stewardship tips, and a final report to family members on the impact of your legacy gift.
To invest in life-changing Bible ministry through a gift of stock, please contact us directly for transfer information at [email protected].
Consult your financial or tax advisor for advice and tax deductions. Stocks, bonds, or mutual funds given to Biblica will be sold immediately to invest in global Bible ministry.
Biblica stewards the New International Version Bible.
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