Biblica is a global ministry innovating new ways to reach people with the Bible.

About Biblica

Everyone deserves a chance to be transformed by Jesus. That’s been our conviction since we started
sharing God’s Word with the poor, huddled masses of New York in 1809.

Now in its third century, Biblica continues to produce relevant, reliable Scripture translations
and innovative Bible resources that power the ministry of the world’s widest-reaching mission
organizations. We do everything in partnership with others and with one all-consuming purpose:

Let’s end Gospel poverty wherever it is found.

Our Mission & Vision


To provide the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world will have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ.


To see the Bible be used by God to redeem the lost, restore the broken, and inspire the body of Christ to be a community of hope for the world.

Our Core Values


We give all we can to achieve all God wants.


We passionately pursue what matters most.


We relentlessly follow Christ.


We break down barriers to the Bible.

Our Heart

Gateway Translation

We freely release majority-language Scripture translations and accelerate critically needed minority translations — so that Bibleless people experience the Word of God in a language they understand.

Frontline Church

We ensure that the first generation of Christ followers in the world’s least-reached communities have digital and print Bibles — so they can deepen their faith and share it with others.

Kids in Crisis

We help make disciples in parts of the world that are youth-rich but Bible-poor — so that struggling children and teens learn to walk with the God who made them, loves them, and has a plan for their lives.